Jodi, your description of escalating political deception rings so true. That's how I experienced the propaganda, not knowing, at the time, I was already up to my eyeballs in propaganda.

First, I heard the single lie—nothing can save us from this deadly disease except a vaccine. But to register the lie as a lie, I first had to hear the truth: that this disease we've labelled COVID-19 is amenable to successful outpatient treatment, just like any other viral respiratory disease. That truth I heard from courageous Canadian physicians like Dr. Patrick Phillips and Dr. Ira Bernstein, members of the Canadian COVID Care Alliance.

Once I registered the lie, then I heard the evisceration of context: we had media talk-show hosts talking out of the sides of their mouths, having a jolly good time bullshitting and denying the utility of generic meds (like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and even vitamin D) as if they were clinicians with expertise treating respiratory illnesses.

And then I experienced the onslaught of gaslighting, as did anyone who questioned the safety of rushed vaccines. Who can forget the full-frontal attacks by the mainstream media, hurling abuse at the unvaxxed, taking their cues from our public health authorities and politicians, notably our Prime Minister? It's not easy to live with such cognitive dissonance: one foot firmly grounded by the truth-telling reality of internationally respected scientists and physicians; the other foot constantly dragged back into the muck of deception by well-intentioned family and friends who hadn't yet registered the lie and bullshit.

Despite all that, it still took a while for the penny to drop and for me to understand that the propaganda and corruption we've been exposed to is far, far greater than the usual marketing ploys of Big Pharma. How is it that a genetic therapy or vaccine—known for years in the pharmaceutical industry to be commercially unviable, known to cause auto-immune disease, and known to use lipid nanoparticles toxic to humans as part of its delivery system—could be sold as "safe and effective" around the globe, endangering the health and lives of billions of people? That's one hell of a big lie.

Thank goodness for Canadian truckers and their dedication to truth-telling. And for all those brave Canadians who testified at the National Citizens Inquiry.

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Why thanks so much, Margaret, for bringing this line of thought further and spelling it out specific to the vaccine. Potentially too you brought out a further kind of lie, the "big one" that the propaganda itself serves.

I had forgotten about the bullshit phase of selling the vaccine: comedians, the View, etc. just having "good fun" dissing ivermectin, et cetera before things started getting sinister.

One further thing you drew out: none of this can be experienced as lies, or bullshitting, or gaslighting, or propaganda without at least one foot in the truth. Without which, we're lost. Which makes those dissident voices of truckers, NCI testimony, so crucial to restoration.

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It is always good to hear the voices of sensible people who are stuck in this nightmare propaganda mill with me!

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