Orange man bad, Canadian hero seen with bad orange man....therefore, Canadian hero bad.
The problem is that there a huge number of these "patriots" entirely absorbed in parroting the current thing. Someone on Twitter suggested that I might be too smart to be a Canadian. I'm not that smart but, well, they have a point.
That seems to be the caveman logic in that Edmonton petition.
Wondering if there's something wrong with the admiration phase too. The fawning, that kind of admiration we attribute to children and narcissists, not mature humans.
Alternative maybe... "Canada inferior. Great One with Canada, Canada superior! Great One not with Canada? Canada inferior!" Tantrum.
Thanks so much for the invite yesterday, was fun! Your salons will be a hit, I can tell.
Thanks for comments/insights. Helpful to this Yank. Sounds like the cancel culture virus is still spreading north of our border. I am old enough to remember being totally amazed watching Gretzky perform his on ice magic.
I'm not defending the actions of those who are directing their anger at Gretsky, but I can understand them. They are afraid. They are hurt by everything that has been done to them and taken from them in the last five years. (My God, has it been five years? It feels like yesterday.) We as a nation have been groomed, through socialized medical care and other benefits, to respect our government as we would our parents. The government cares for us. We have been told that everything is for our safety, and there are so many out there that believe that shite. Thankfully, some of us have either never been captured or have been able to free ourselves quickly from the veil of illusion. Those that do believe, unfortunately, cannot direct their anger at the ones who have created the mess, otherwise the world ends for them.
All I can say is, I wish they would let their world collapse. Then we could stand together and rebuild something truly Canadian.
Agreed, Anna, and well put--thank you. I believe it was five years ago today.
Carney just identified Canadian identity, the thing that the Americans want to take from us, as multiculturalism, bilingualism, and health care. Sad, as Trump would say.
The small-minded impulse to belittle Gretzky sits at the crossroads of the perpetually offended woke cancel culture and Trump Derangement Syndrome, I think. To these fragile minds, any support for Orangeman policies—or even a refusal to condemn Trump's America—is tantamount to treason. They see Trump as the ultimate threat to the fictional world they've built for themselves outside Reality, which they equate with progressive Canada since 2015. This is what they truly mean when they call Trump "an existential threat." They seem terrified that their fake worlds are crumbling.
Agreed, Marco about the "existential threat" from Trump. Wondering if there is a double whammy at play here: also an element of expecting Gretzky to be OUR Canadian gorilla who DEFINITELY SHOULD be sticking it to the Bad Orange man but is palling around with him instead.
Thanks, Jodi, I read your book review. It helped me understand the historical underpinnings of deference to the Crown and a collectivist state among conservative politicians and thinkers from Central Canada.
Yes, no wonder we’re in a mess. Thank goodness for populist sentiments outside the Centre!
Thanks for reading, Margaret -- the review even. Yes, thank goodness for them. They might even do the Centre good if it would hear them. Personally, I'm done with being walled inside the garrison.
The TDSed Gretzky haters are not Canadians. "Those people", likely don't wear poppies in the fall either. Mr. Orr has most of Canadas sentiments. The rest can go back to where they came from.
I dunno, K, I don't see a lot of Canadians wearing poppies in the fall these days. One does hope that Mr. Orr does reflect most of Canada's sentiments, though. I sure do.
Canadian "patriots" are a special sort of stupid.
Orange man bad, Canadian hero seen with bad orange man....therefore, Canadian hero bad.
The problem is that there a huge number of these "patriots" entirely absorbed in parroting the current thing. Someone on Twitter suggested that I might be too smart to be a Canadian. I'm not that smart but, well, they have a point.
That seems to be the caveman logic in that Edmonton petition.
Wondering if there's something wrong with the admiration phase too. The fawning, that kind of admiration we attribute to children and narcissists, not mature humans.
Alternative maybe... "Canada inferior. Great One with Canada, Canada superior! Great One not with Canada? Canada inferior!" Tantrum.
Thanks so much for the invite yesterday, was fun! Your salons will be a hit, I can tell.
Thanks for comments/insights. Helpful to this Yank. Sounds like the cancel culture virus is still spreading north of our border. I am old enough to remember being totally amazed watching Gretzky perform his on ice magic.
Much appreciate your Yank's view, Tucker, thank you. Cancel culture's been here for a while, sadly, just seems to be getting more vicious and absurd.
I'm not defending the actions of those who are directing their anger at Gretsky, but I can understand them. They are afraid. They are hurt by everything that has been done to them and taken from them in the last five years. (My God, has it been five years? It feels like yesterday.) We as a nation have been groomed, through socialized medical care and other benefits, to respect our government as we would our parents. The government cares for us. We have been told that everything is for our safety, and there are so many out there that believe that shite. Thankfully, some of us have either never been captured or have been able to free ourselves quickly from the veil of illusion. Those that do believe, unfortunately, cannot direct their anger at the ones who have created the mess, otherwise the world ends for them.
All I can say is, I wish they would let their world collapse. Then we could stand together and rebuild something truly Canadian.
Agreed, Anna, and well put--thank you. I believe it was five years ago today.
Carney just identified Canadian identity, the thing that the Americans want to take from us, as multiculturalism, bilingualism, and health care. Sad, as Trump would say.
The small-minded impulse to belittle Gretzky sits at the crossroads of the perpetually offended woke cancel culture and Trump Derangement Syndrome, I think. To these fragile minds, any support for Orangeman policies—or even a refusal to condemn Trump's America—is tantamount to treason. They see Trump as the ultimate threat to the fictional world they've built for themselves outside Reality, which they equate with progressive Canada since 2015. This is what they truly mean when they call Trump "an existential threat." They seem terrified that their fake worlds are crumbling.
Agreed, Marco about the "existential threat" from Trump. Wondering if there is a double whammy at play here: also an element of expecting Gretzky to be OUR Canadian gorilla who DEFINITELY SHOULD be sticking it to the Bad Orange man but is palling around with him instead.
Thanks, Jodi, I read your book review. It helped me understand the historical underpinnings of deference to the Crown and a collectivist state among conservative politicians and thinkers from Central Canada.
Yes, no wonder we’re in a mess. Thank goodness for populist sentiments outside the Centre!
Thanks for reading, Margaret -- the review even. Yes, thank goodness for them. They might even do the Centre good if it would hear them. Personally, I'm done with being walled inside the garrison.
The TDSed Gretzky haters are not Canadians. "Those people", likely don't wear poppies in the fall either. Mr. Orr has most of Canadas sentiments. The rest can go back to where they came from.
I dunno, K, I don't see a lot of Canadians wearing poppies in the fall these days. One does hope that Mr. Orr does reflect most of Canada's sentiments, though. I sure do.